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Cordless and Pneumatic Nailing Tools & Accessories

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Cordless Nailers

Paslode offers a complete range of Impulse tools delivering maximum job site productivity – no compressors, no hoses, no hassles!


Paslode offers a complete range of fasteners to cover framing, trim and cladding installation applications.

Paslode Fastener 27mm Nail


Paslode offers a complete range of Impulse and Pneumatic accessories designed to maximise the performance and extend the life of your tools.

Impulse Batteries And Chargers F

our retail partners

Paslode proudly provides ongoing training and support to our partner network. Our retailers are an important part of the our family and we work together to deliver the best products and services to you, our customer.

Paslode Wilco

Where to service

We have a wide distribution of service agents. They’re experts in repairing your Paslode tool. They know that it is important to get your tool fixed and back on site quickly.

Don’t forget to register your Paslode tools

Keep a record of your serial numbers

When you register with Paslode, we securely save your details for better service and warranty support.

  • We use this registration to establish your warranty.
  • If your tool is stolen you will have a record of your tool serial number and proof of purchase.
  • You have access to special offers, new product information and competitions.
02mark And Blake Getting To Know The Paslode Coilmaster After Years Of Embracing The Framemaster
Paslode Fastener 27mm Nail

Fastener Of The Month

The New 27mm Coil Nails

The 27mm Impulse Coil Nail is specifically designed for thin fibre cement sheets and works seamlessly with the Paslode IM50S Impulse 50mm CoilMaster, offering cordless speed and convenience. The modified head and shank design provide greater holding power, making it ideal for Soffits/Eaves Lining, and Tile Underlay applications . This system delivers the reliability you need, helping you finish jobs faster and move on to the next.

our brand partnerships

Ca Logo Newcmyk Transparent Background 300x91 1
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Weathertex 1200x500 2

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POV: You’re a fly on the wall watching @evolve_carpentry_solutions nail these frames together. 👌🏻

#frames #carpentry #paslode #nailguns #tradielife #building #makingitwithpaslode
29 2 wrapping up the final fit-outs. Great work mate 👏🏻

#fitout #building #paslode #build #makingitwithpaslode #carpentry
54 1
Great to see the team at bringing this project to life.👌🏻 Can't wait to see the final product!

#teamwork #paslode #nailgun #tools #makingitwithpaslode #projects #quality
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